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Monday, March 20, 2017


Finally, I bought an aloe plant. Did I overpay at $5? It seems that at WM and Lowe's aloe go fast.  I don't know anyone with an aloe to share a bit so I can have my own plant. Hopefully, I won't be allergic to it. Before I burn myself, I will apply a bit to skin that is not burned. The last thing I need is a burn with something I am allergic to applied to the burn!

Your turn

Is there anything special I need to know to keep it alive? I have googled the care of aloe, but need info from someone who has successfully kept an aloe alive. Can I put it in a window where it will get full sun some days, full but at an oblique angle?


  1. I've had them before but don't have one now. Just don't water it too much! Right now I only have 4 houseplants- 2 Christmas cactuses, an orchid and something similar to an African violet. Surprisingly they are all thriving LOL.

    1. Nan,
      I worry about killing it. I do better with plants outdoors. LOL me too!

  2. I received an aloe years ago from someone who was splitting hers up. I rarely remember to water it and it is in a window where it receives bright light and sometimes a little full sun. It shrivels up, then I water it and it revives for a while. Recently I became more diligent at watering, to the point of overwatering and it has plumped up and looks really happy. Moral of this story? I'm not sure you CAN kill one! I am going to finally split it up this spring as there is very little soil left it is so crowded, and plant some in the ground for the summer and one back in the original pot. Pretty neat plant!

    1. Wendy,
      That's all good to know. It will take abuse! Maybe I can handle this. Thanks.

  3. I had a bad sunburn in Florida years back. My sister-in-law sacrificed her aloe plant for the cause. Instant relief! Recommended that every kitchen have one, but I don't. Live plants are a waste of money for me.

    1. carol,
      Yikes! The whole plant! I wonder if the gels in the store work at all. I am going to try my best to keep this one alive.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.